Wednesday, May 29, 2013

#1 - At Long Last, The First Strip!

My apologies for the incredibly late start to this webcomic. What with my sick wife, a desperate need to get life back on track after a lengthy hospital stay, and then everything else there is to do on a daily basis I'm glad to have finally finished the first strip.

Going forward the weekly release of the strip should be smoother and truly weekly. This first strip has been colored, but going forward only the first strip of the month will be in color, followed by a black and white offering every week. Also, I'll try to post some extras like character profiles and sketches.

To read the strip just click on the image. No tricks. It's just the way Blogger works.

Also, please feel free to give your feedback. Knowing how you feel about it is the only way that this comic will improve.

If you have any questions or comments, email me at jonathansample.comics(AT) or through Twitter @jonathanjsample.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy this and the future strips.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. For a first entry this does hook the reader in with a very interesting and unusual concept. But by keeping the appearances of the main cast a complete secret, the concept is really all there is. However it's only the first strip so my comment is nothing but a very small nitpick. I look forward to the next installment and congratulate you on a great start! Long live "Saves the Day"!

    2. Thank you for reading, sir. :) I hope that once we're past the exposition this will prove to be an entertaining comic.
